NJHS Elects New Officers

NJHS Elects New Officers

October 6, 2017

The Dunham chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) recently elected new officers for the 2017-2018 school year. New officers include Lex Landreneau ‘22, president; Patrick Murphy ‘22, vice-president and Kari Johnson ’23, secretary.

“NJHS prepares us for more than membership in the National Honor Society. We learn how to serve and live for others by working through society to help those in need,”  said Landreneau, who has been a NJHS member since 6th grade.

Servant leadership is a key focus of NJHS.  Watching students grow through chapter service projects is NJHS adviser Gerri Bove’s favorite aspect of her role.  “I enjoy watching them take the initiative and grow as leaders as they lead their Middle School classmates and serve the community,” she said.  The NJHS chapter sponsors two main service projects each year:  the annual all school Food Drive and Laundry Love, a project that provides plastic bags filled with powdered laundry detergent for distribution to homeless people.

Now his third year as an member, Murphy has benefitted greatly from the service focus of NJHS. “Being in NJHS has given me the opportunity to help and serve others in the community, which has matured me as a person,” he said. “I enjoy the service projects we do together. My favorite project is the Food Drive because it is fun to be able to lead the whole school in collecting food for others.”  

As a 7th grader, Johnson is relatively new to  the chapter but she looks forward to the service projects. “I enjoy how, with our smart minds, we can help others through our service,” she said.  NJHS membership has motivated her to set big academic goals to accomplish during her next five years at Dunham.  

The NJHS chapter at Dunham has 27 members from 7th and 8th grade. “Being inducted into the NJHS is an honor for all of these students, a recognition of their excellent grades and other superb qualities including character,  leadership, citizenship and service. These qualities form the pillars of an NJHS member. “

Dunham NJHS members are required to are required to maintain a 3.8 GPA , complete 2 service hours  per quarter each year and to  participate in annual group service projects.

We can't wait to welcome you!
